operation is performed on the lathe machine and is a form of machining, a material removal process, which is used to create rotational parts by cutting away unwanted material.
Turning is a typical process of the machining at a small radial depth of cut and multiple passes are made until the end diameter is reached. A single-point turning tool moves axially along the side of the workpiece removing material to form various characteristics including step tapers, chamfers, and contours.
Turning is a typical process of the machining at a small radial depth of cut and multiple passes are made until the end diameter is reached. A single-point turning tool moves axially along the side of the workpiece removing material to form various characteristics including step tapers, chamfers, and contours.
Turning can be done manually on the lathe machine, which often requires the operator's continuous supervision or the use of an automated lathe. Nowadays the most common
type of such automation is computer numerical control better known as
CNC. CNC Turning services
The workpiece which itself is attached to the turning machine and allowed to
rotate at high speeds the cutter is typically a single-point cutting tool
for some operations make use of multi-point tools the cutting tool gives feeds
into the rotating workpiece and cuts away material in the form of
small chips to create the desired shape.
Turning is used to produce rotational, typically axisymmetric, parts with many characteristics, such as holes, grooves, threads, tapers, steps of different diameters, and also contoured surfaces. It is also commonly used as a secondary process to add or refine features on parts that were manufactured using a different process.
Turning process capabilities:
- Shapes - Thin-walled cylindrical and also solid cylindrical
- Part size - Diameter range is 0.02 to 80 in
- Materials - Metals such as Alloy Steel, Carbon Steel, Cast Iron, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Magnesium, Zinc
- Materials - Ceramics such as composites, lead, nickel, Tin, Titanium, Elastomer, Thermoplastics, Thermosets
- Surface finish - 2 to 250 µin
- Tolerance - Typical +0.001 in and Feasible up to + or - 0.0002 in
Advantages of the turning process:
- All materials are compatible.
- Very good tolerance.
- Short lead time.
- No high skilled operator required.
- The material removal rate is flexible.
Disadvantages of the turning process:
- Limited to rotational parts.
- Part may require several operations and machines.
- High equipment cost.
- Significant tool wear.
- A large amount of scrap.
Applications of the turning process:
- Turning process is used for machine components, shafts, and engine components.
- It is used to produce rotational, axisymmetric parts such as holes, grooves, threads, tapers, different diameter steps, and even contoured surfaces.