20 March 2017

How to test malleability

  • Malleability is measured possibly in relationship to hardness
Malleability is mostly tested as hardness. The most common hardness tests are Rockwell and Brinell tests. They determine the resistance of a material to indentation. Ductility is also similar to malleability. Ductility is usually measured by elongation and reduction of area as determined in the tensile test.

Malleability is a mechanical property of matter but is most commonly used in reference to metals.

This is important in metalworking, as materials that crack or break under pressure cannot be hammered or rolled. One thing is that brittle metal and plastic are made moulded where malleable metals can be formed by using stamping or pressing.

  • Ductility is usually measured by a bend test.
Ductility is the most important parameter to consider in metal forming operations such as rolling, extrusion, and drawing.

Increasing levels of carbon decrease ductility. 

There may be some differences looked like the same properties so whenever we talk about malleability at that time ductility also comes in to picture.