12 September 2020

Difference between centrifugal and inertia governor

Work on the principle of balancing of centrifugal force, while the inertia governor works on the principle of the moment of inertia. So here this article gives the main key difference between centrifugal and inertia governor to better understand this topic.

What is a centrifugal governor?

As we know that the centrifugal governor is basically based on the balancing of centrifugal force on the rotating balls for an equal and opposite radial force. It consists of two balls of equal mass, which are attached to the arms. These balls are known as the governor balls.

What is an inertia governor?

As we know that an inertia governor, the fly balls which are arranged in such a manner that the angular acceleration or some retardation of the governor shaft will change the position of these balls.

Difference between  centrifugal and inertia governer:

  • The working of a centrifugal governor which depends on the change in speed and centrifugal force on the governor balls. Whereas the working of inertia governer in addition to centrifugal force, the position of the governor ball and thus the operation of the governer controlled by the force of angular acceleration and retardation of the spindle.
  • The only centrifugal force which is in controlling some action and process, while in the inertia governor, both centrifugal force and inertia forces are in action.
  • The sensitiveness is too much less than when we compared to the inertia governor, and the Interia governor is highly sensitive to varying load.
  • In centrifugal, governer, mass rotates in a horizontal plane, while in inertia governer mass rotates in the verticle plane.
  • In centrifugal, the response is slower than the inertia governor, The reaction of the inertia governer in faster than that of the centrifugal governor. 
  • In a centrifugal governor easy to balance the revolving parts, while in an inertia governor hard to balance revolving parts.
  • Work on the principle of balancing of centrifugal force, while in inertia work on the principle of the moment of inertia.
  • In the centrifugal governer more frequently used, while in inertia governer not popular.
  • In centrifugal no directly attached to the engine shaft, while in inertia directly attached to the engine shaft.
  • Centrifugal preferred over inertia governor when we balancing of revolving masses in an issue and problem, while in inertia governor preferred over centrifugal governor when a more rapid response to change is needed.