18 March 2023

Jake Brake vs Exhaust Brake

Jake brake releases compressed air in the cylinders, while the exhaust brake traps the air of an engine within the exhaust. Both are similar but they function differently. Exhaust brakes force the motor to rotate slower and much more quietly than jake brakes.  

Jake brake Vs Exhaust brake

  • Exhaust brake causes engine braking by raising pressure, whereas Jake brake causes engine braking by decreasing pressure.
  • An exhaust brake connects to the exhaust system, whereas a Jake brake connects to the valve train.
  • The jake brake has significantly higher breaking power than the exhaust brake.
  • Jake brake is noisier than the exhaust brake.
  • Jake brake is more expensive than exhaust brake. 
  • The efficiency of the exhaust brake is less compared to the jake brake. 
  • Jake brakes are more effective than jake brakes for slowing down the car. 


An exhaust brake slows the engine by increasing pressure, whereas a Jake brake slows the engine by lowering pressure. An exhaust brake links to the exhaust system, whereas a Jake brake connects to the valve train. A Jake brake offers far more braking power than an exhaust brake.

A Jake brake is noisier than an exhaust brake. Both brakes are required for large vehicles, but they serve unique duties. If you're in the market for a new car or need service on your current one, consult with a professional to determine which type of brake is best for your needs.

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