2 June 2016

Reference books of Strength of Material

  1. Strength of Materials by Bhavikatti FLIPKART 
  2. Mechanics of Structures by Junarkar S.B. FLIPKART
  3. Strength of Materials Vol. I by S.P. Timonshenko FLIPKART
  4. Strength of Materials Vol.II by S.P. Timonshenko FLIPKART
  5. Strength of Material by S. Ramamrutham FLIPKART 
  6. Strength of Material by R.S. Khurmi N Khurmi FLIPKART 
  7. Engineering Mechanics of Solids by Egor. P.Popov FLIPKART
  8. Advanced Mechanics of Solids by Srinath L.N FLIPKART