17 December 2016

Are Calculators allowed in CAT exam ?

No, you are not allowed calculator inside the CAT examination hall. but from 2015 there is on-screen calculator will be provided to you in all the three sections.

But the level of question is not set hard for the calculator point of view. if you know the strategy to solve the question you will be able to solve without using a calculator. 

In CAT is mainly based on time management exam one can best in time management and best in to pick the right question he or she will do good in CAT. An on-screen calculator is a waste of time if you reach to a good number of question attempt. so, I will advise you to be really good at mental maths and seeing the problems through a different perspective.

Use a calculator when it is an ultimate necessity in CAT. for practice don't use the calculator at all.

what they have given in examination that calculator given below.

On screen calculator for CAT exam