Geothermal comes to the words from the Greek word geo which means earth and thermo which means heat. So, geothermal energy means some energy or called power is extracted from beneath the earth. The energy inside the earth was formed by the decay of minerals and forests several many years ago. As we all know that this energy is a renewable type of energy and it is available in most regions and thus outperforming some of the conventional sources in many ways. Here you all of you have to learn some advantages ad disadvantages of geothermal energy to better understand this topic.
Pros OR Advantages of Geothermal Energy:
- It is a renewable source of energy.
- This enrgey can be used directly. This source of energy is used by people for heating homes, cooking, etc.
- The maintenance cost of the geothermal power plant is very less.
- It is nonpolluting and environment friendly, pollution levels are much lower.
- There is no wastage or generation of by-products.
- Not fuel requires.
- Quieter operation because of no outdoor compressor or not a fan.
- Unlike solar energy, this energy is not dependent on weather conditions.
- An increase in exploration meaning that new technologies are being created to improve the energy process.
- Geothermal energy can adjust to various conditions.
- Geothermal power plants don't occupy too much space and this is the reason that it helps in protecting the natural environment.
- Fewer moving parts mean minimal maintenance issues.
- Installation is eligible for tax cuts.
- A sustainable source of energy as it's always unlike available unlike wind and solar.
- This energy source is more environmentally friendly than comparing to conventional fuel sources.
- The number of exploitable geothermal resources increases with ongoing research and development in the industry.
- Provide either baseload or peak power energy output.
- A reliable source as it's easier to predict the power output from a geothermal plant with a high degree of accuracy.
- It is suitable for the smallest houses to be the largest commercial spaces.
- 30-60% saving on heating and 25-50% saving cooling.
- Moving heat that already exists as opposed to making new heat is generated.
- It does not need cost fluctuations determined by gas and oil prices.
- Mostly underground for a minimal landscape footprint.
- The technology behind energy will only continue to improve efficiency.
- Long lifespan around 25 years for indoor components, 50+for underground loop system
Cons OR Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy:
- In today, Only a few sites have the potential for geothermal energy.
- The total generation potential of this source is too small.
- The installation cost of a steam power plant is very high.
- This energy is always a danger of eruption of the volcano.
- Energy fluid needs to be pumped back into the underground reservoir which is faster than it is depleted. Management is required to maintain sustainability.
- Gases are released into the atmosphere during digging.
- It may release some harmful gas, and release the poisonous gases that can escape through the holes drilled during construction.
- Damage to underground loops like tree roots, rodents, etc can be difficult and costly to repair.
- It is discharged into the earth could include sulfur dioxide and silica.
- The big drawback of geothermal energy is that it is location-specific and earth surface.
- Geothermal energy is produced are far from markets or some cities in the country, where it needs to be consumed.
- There is no guarantee that the amount of energy that is produced will justify the capital expenditure and operations costs.
- Geothermal energy runs the risk of triggering earthquakes.
- An expensive resource to tap into, with high upfront costs ranging from around $2-$7 million for a plant with a 1-megawatt capacity.
- These energy using wells requires an incredible usage of water.
- Fewer installer than standard HVAC and thus less competition.
- Electricity is still needed to operate heat pumps.
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- Sound energy - Advantages and Disadvantages
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- Wind Energy - Pros and Cons
- Renewable energy - Pros and Cons
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- Tidal energy - Pros and Cons