When you buy a new car with a sunroof, you may usually try it out once or twice, but after that week later you forget that it's even there. The main disadvantage of sunroofs is that use, particularly in cities with hot climates is minimal and thus, it gets deteriorate with time with no use. In addition, the replacement or repair costs are expensive. You can also check other disadvantages of sunroofs in cars when you consider buying a car with a sunroof.
Disadvantages of sunroof in cars
- Sunroofs affect the mileage of the car. Driving at high speeds with an open sunroof affects the aerodynamics of the car which causes additional drag.
- The sunroof eats the headroom.
- When the car gets old, the sunroof often starts leaking.
- As we talk in the first paragraph, keeping the sunroof in working condition required a lot of regular maintenance.
- After years, the sunroof electrical motor starts creating electrical problems.