A vertical boring machine is particularly adapted for holding and machining the large, heavy workpiece.
On vertical boring machine following work are done :
On vertical boring machine following work are done :
- Large gear blanks
- Locomotive and rolling stock tires
- Steam and water turbine castings
- Flywheels
- Large flanges and number of circular-shaped parts
A vertical boring machine can take an only a circular cut.
The vertical boring machine is of two types :
- Vertical turret lathe
- Standard vertical boring machine
Vertical boring machine parts :
Size of vertical boring machine :
Its size is specified by the diameter of its table or chuck expressed in mm.
The size of vertical turret lathe varies from 600 to 2000 mm.
The size of a standard vertical boring machine is as high as 6000 mm.
Vertical boring machine tools :
The vertical boring machine tools are similar to lathe tools.
For boring operation, the clearance angle of the tool is greater than in turning or facing tool.
Vertical boring machine operation :
A vertical boring machine may generate a horizontal flat surface.
It can also produce cylindrical turned surface, bore internal hole, perform cutting off, necking or forming operation, and generate internal or external taper surface.