- The MPFI is an advanced version of the carburettor engine. MPFI full meaning is a multi-point fuel injection system.
- Even though the working of MPFI engine is somewhat similar to the engine used by carburettor each cylinder is treated individually.
- A separate injector supplies the correct quantity of fuel to each of the engine cylinders by a fuel-rail according to the firing order or in a particular sequence. This system provides further precision by varying the fuel quantity and injection timing by governing each injector separately and thereby improving the performance and controlling the emissions.
- The return valve returns fuel in case the fuel is oversupplied. Also, the pressure regulator regulates the pressure of the intake of fuel. Fuel filter contains small-sized membranes which filter and absorbs undesirable matters of size 30 to 40 microns.
- The fuel and air are mixed in the intake manifold and each manifold is controlled by an ECU(Electronic Control Unit). fuel pressure runs between 3 to 5 bars.
24 December 2016
Working priciple of MPFI
Hello, My name is Jay Solanki and I am a mechanical engineer and MBA postgraduate in Telecom and Marketing field. I have been in the Digital marketing field for a few years now, learning more about the field and myself every day. I started a website on mechanical engineering mechanicalfunda.com in 2015. Since then it has given me a passion for learning as well as allowed me to step into another niche called difference or comparison of two similar kinds of terms differenceguides.com. Also, I have interest in Electronics field as my Postgraduation in Telecom and Marketing field, I started ecstuff4u.com too. I spend most of my time singing, playing sports, and writing content. I love to share expertise and knowledge in the above mentioned field.