The different operations performed in a milling machine are following below.
- Plain Milling
- Face Milling
- Side Milling
- Straddle Milling
- Angular Milling
- Gang Milling
- Form Milling
- Profile Milling
- End Milling
- Saw Milling
- Milling keyways, Grooves, and slots
- Gear Cutting
- Helical Milling
- Cam Milling
- Thread Milling
It is the operation of production of a plain, flat or horizontal surface parallel to the axis of rotation of a plain milling cutter.
The operation is also called slab milling.
To perform this operation, the work and the cutter are mounted properly on the machine. The depth of cut is adjusted by rotating the vertical feed screw of the table and the machine is started after selecting the proper speed and feed.
This operation is performed by a face milling cutter rotated about an axis perpendicular to the work surface. The operation is carried in a plain milling machine and the cutter is mounted on a stub arbour to produce a flat surface. Hence the face milling operation is done.
It is the operation of production of a flat vertical surface on the side of a workpiece by using a side milling cutter.
The straddle is the operation of production of flat vertical surfaces on both sides of the workpiece by using two side milling cutters mounted on the same arbour. This operation is very commonly used to produce square or hexagonal surfaces.
The angular milling is the operation of the production of an angular surface on a workpiece other than at right angles to the axis of the milling machine spindle. The angular groove may be single or double angle but may be of varying included angle according to the type and shape of the angular cutter used.
It is the operation of machining many surfaces of a workpiece simultaneously by feeding the table against a number of cutters having same or different diameters mounted on the arbour of the machine.
It is the operation of producing irregular contours by using form cutter. The irregular contour may be convex, concave or any other shape. After machining, the formed surface is checked by a template gauge. The cutting speed for form milling is 20% to 30% less than that of the plain milling.
It is the operation of reproduction of an outline of a template or complex shape of a master die on a workpiece. An end mill is one of the most widely used milling cutters in profile milling work.
It is the operation of production of a flat surface which may be vertical, horizontal or at an angle in reference to the table surface. An end mill cutter is used for this operation. The end milling cutters are also used for the production of slots, grooves or keyways.
The vertical milling machine is most suitable for end milling operation.
It is the operation of the production of narrow slots or grooves on a workpiece by using a sawmilling cutter.
It can be also be performed for complete parting-off operation.
- Milling keyways, grooves, and slots:
It is the operation of production of keyways, grooves and slots of varying shapes and sizes can be performed in a milling machine by using a plain milling cutter, a plain slitting saw, an end mill or by a side milling cutter.
The open slots can be cut by a plain milling cutter or by a side milling cutter.
The closed slots can be cut by using end mills.
Dovetail slots or T-slots is manufactured by using a special type of cutters.
A woodruff key is produced by using a woodruff key slot cutter.
Standard keyways are cut on shafts by using a side milling cutter or end mills.
The cutter is exactly at the centre line of the workpiece and then the cut is taken.
It is the operation performed in a milling machine by using a form-relieved cutter. The cutter may be a cylindrical type or end mill type. The cutter profile corresponds exactly with the tooth space of the gear.
It is the operation of the production of helical flutes or grooves around the periphery of a cylindrical or conical workpiece.
It is performed by swivelling the table to the required helix angle and then by rotating and feeding the work against the rotary cutting edges of a milling cutter.
It is the operation of the production of the cam in a milling machine by the use of a universal dividing head and a vertical milling attachment. The cam blank is secured at the end of the dividing head spindle and an end mill is held in the vertical milling attachment. The axis of the cam blank and the end mill spindle should always remain parallel to each other when setting for cam milling.
It is the operation of the production of threads by using a single or multiple thread milling cutter. The operation is performed in special thread milling machines to produce accurate threads in small or large quantities.
This operation required three driving motions in the machine.
- For the cutter
- For the work
- For the longitudinal movement of the cutter