16 February 2023

Difference between force and pressure

Force is the outcome of two objects interacting and attempting to affect the state of the object. The pressure is the force applied on an item perpendicular to its surface, resulting in force spreading across a certain region. The difference between stress and pressure might be similar to this. Thus, it is claimed that the resultant pressure will be high if the same force is delivered to a small area and low if it is applied to a large area. You can check out the difference between force and pressure here in this article. 

Difference between force and pressure:

Force: The acceleration of the object results in the push and pull action. 
Pressure: The force exerted perpendicular to an object's surface per unit area across which that force is distributed. 

Force: The SI unit of force is newton and it represents by N. 
Pressure: The SI unit of pressure is pascal and it represents by Pa. 

Force: The instrument to measure force is called a dynamometer. 
Pressure: The two instrument to measure pressure is called the manometer and barometer. 

As force is a vector quantity, it has both direction and magnitude.
Pressure: As the pressure is a scalar number, it has no direction.

Force: On the face, edges, sides, or vertices of the object, a force can be applied.
Pressure: Pressure can be applied on the surface or face of the object. 

Force: With the application of force in one direction, an object's velocity can be altered.
Pressure: The pressure on the object won't change the direction of the object. 

Force: The force is mass × acceleration. 
Pressure: The formula for pressure is force per unit area.

Other differences between force and pressure: 
  • The speed of the object can be altered by the force being applied. whereas the pressure applied to the object can not change the speed of the object. 
  • An example of force is the force of a bat applying on a ball. The force of the foot pushing the pedal. An example of pressure is holding the knife to the fruits. Cutting nails with the help of a nail cutter. 

Hence, after a detailed discussion of the two concepts, you might have clearly understood force and pressure. Pulling, pushing, kicking, halting, squeezing, and opening, are some examples of action involving force. On the other hand, school bags with broad straps, and needles having sharp tips are some examples of pressure.

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