4 March 2023

Difference between work and energy

Work and energy differ significantly from one another. Work is the transmission of energy over a specific distance in one direction with the help of force. Energy is also known as a force that acts at a given distance. Both of them fit the definition of a scalar unit. There must be a force and movement from one location to another for labour to occur. 

Work Vs Energy: 

  • Work is described as the action done on the object causing some displacement. Energy is described as a property of a system or the ability to do work. 
  • Work is a transfer of energy, power is the rate at which work is done and energy is the ability of something to do work. Energy is typically only meaningful in changes, so work usually turns out to be a more physically useful quantity. 
  • Work is defined as the capacity to apply force and a change in proximity to an object. Energy is the ability to supply or create work. 
  • Work is the action done on the thing causing some displacement and energy is described as a property of a system. 
  • Work and energy both are scalar units. 
  • Work = Force multiplied by distance whereas various equations depend upon the kinds of energy.
  • Work is a product of two vector quantities and energy is the inherent property of a system.  
  • Work was utilized in 1826 whereas energy was coined in 4 BC. 
  • Work is a form of energy and energy exists in several different forms. 
  • If the applied force is within the same direction of the displacement then work is positive and there is no direction component here in energy because it is a scalar quantity. 
  • Work can be either positive or negative and energy is always positive, but the change in energy may be negative. 

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